Selected publications by Georg Bosshard

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Recent publications

Penders YWH, Bopp M, Zellweger U, Bosshard G (2019). Continuing, withdrawing and withholding medical treatment at the end of life and associated characteristics: a mortality follow-back study. J Gen Intern Med DOI: 10.1007/s11606-019-05344-5

Ziegler S, Schmid M, Bopp M, Bosshard G, Puhan MA (2019) Using sedative
substances until death: a mortality follow-back study on the role of healthcare
settings. Palliative Medicine

Bopp M, Penders YWH, Hurst SA, Bosshard G, Puhan MA (2019). Physician-related
determinants of medical end-of-life decisions – a mortality follow-back study in
Switzerland. PLoS-ONE

Hurst SA, Zellweger U, Bosshard G, Bopp M (2018) Medical end-of-life practices in
Swiss cultural regions: a death certificate study. BMC Medicine

Selected publications

Bosshard G, Salathé M (2017). Betreuung und Behandlung von Menschen mit Demenz. Schweizerische Ärztezeitung 98:1735-36
SAMW-Richtlinien Betreuung und Behandlung von Menschen mit Demenz

Bosshard G, Zellweger U, Bopp M, Schmid M, Hurst SA, Puhan MA, Faisst K (2016) Medical end-of-life practices in Switzerland: A comparison of 2001 and 2013. JAMA Internal Medicine 176:555-556

Materstvedt LJ, Bosshard G (2009). Deep and continuous palliative sedation (terminal sedation): clinical-ethical and philosophical aspects. Lancet Oncology 10:622-627

Ziegler SJ, Bosshard G (2007) Role of non-governmental organisations in physician assisted suicide. BMJ 334:295-298

Bosshard G, Nilstun T, Bilsen J, Norup M, Miccinesi G, van Delden JJM, Faisst K, van der Heide A (2005) Forgoing treatment at the end of life in six European countries. Arch Int Med 165:401-407